Monday, September 12, 2011


Where was I?
At 5:45 am I woke up to get ready for a long day at the Doctor's office. "Nothing to eat or drink"
you know type of stuff...
At 6:30 am I was out the door, so far an ordinary morning. Not much traffic, and a little cool, it had rained a little the night before with some thunder and I had very little sleep, so I was ready to sleep through the whole thing.
7:00 am I signed for my appointment at 7:30 am at the Doctor's office, the I sat down, the nurse turned on the TV and the first thing on the TV was the news of the attacks on the "Twin Towers", and in an instance the whole world changed...
7:30 am came and went and we were all glued to the TV listening in unbelief to what was happening in New York.
7:45 am More news, this time about the Pentagon attack, and flight Panam 93 crashing into an open field, by this time all flights were grounded and the President of the free world was flying around, because his security team would not let him come to Washington.
Ok, so we had no idea what was happening, but by this time I had decided I was going home to call my brother who worked a couple of blocks from the Towers."
8:10 am the Towers had fallen and I couldn't get a hold of my brother or my dad.
8:40 am I called frantically to NY over and over, but there was not answer, no one was home I though...the phone rang and rang, but then it sounded busy for hours.
10:00 am I was so scared for my family in NY, I called so many times, my dialing finger started to hurt. But I was not able to contact any of my relatives.
12:00 pm I had been glued to the TV all morning seeing horrifying pictures of all that was happening, and not one bit of news from my brother or my Dad.
Day turned into night for three days and nights, until finally I heard from my Dad and brother...they were all right, its just that they too had been in hell for three days and nights. God bless them, and all those who worked on ground zero after the attack.
That is my memory of 9-11-2001
What is yours?

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