Saturday, August 20, 2011

Immigration by Executive Order

In an order named “Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion Consistent with the Civil Immigration Enforcement Priorities of the Agency for the Apprehension, Detention, and Removal of Aliens,”
The president sign a provision instructing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to exercise prosecutorial discretion when deciding to deport certain undocumented immigrants.
The memorandum’s purpose is to give guidance to immigration officials to:
ensure that the agency’s immigration enforcement resources are focused on the agency’s enforcement priorities. The memorandum also serves to make clear which agency employees may exercise prosecutor discretion and what factors should be considered.”
The president’s decision has been criticized of enacting the "Dream Act" by executive fiat to garner votes in spite of Congress’s failure to pass the legislation. Apparently, critics of the president’s decision are not aware that the "Dream Act" would've completely devoid any measure of compassion for immigrants, instead this memorandum provides guidance for ICE officials to show compassion for immigrants who would qualify for the "Dream Act’s provisions" of which are 19, as if it were the law. Immigrants who attend school for three years, fight in our wars, and contribute by paying taxes to the government without receiving benefits should be shown compassion and be treated with dignity, because many of these were by no fault of their own raised illegally as "citizens of the United States" by their parents crossing them illegally when they were still children, attending schools, colleges, marrying and having children of their own, and not being able to go home because for all they know and understand THEY ARE HOME in the United States.
No green card, or social security number, but it allows for people to apply under more liniment immigration laws with out fear of being deported, as long as they have not committed any felonies under the law, other than remaining in the United States illegally. Well I for one can honestly say good luck!! and God bless, we want good citizens to work for honest wages.
The actual document:

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